Over 1,600 Meals Distributed in York Township Drive-Thru Event

Last week, York Township hosted another Senior Meal Distribution event. Over 1,600 meals consisting of frozen meals and dry pantry goods were distributed by Supervisor John W. Valle, Trustees Tony Cuzzone, Jeff Mussatto, Rae Rupp Srch, John Morrissey, Assessor Deanna Wilkins, Highway Commissioner Richard “Dick” Schroeder and The Township Senior Center Staff. The rest of the Your York Team, Erica Militello and Anthony Pacilli, helped out as volunteers at this successful event.

This event enabled the township to distribute meals safely by utilizing a drive-thru pick up. During the pandemic the Township had to shut down its congregate dining program for health and safety reasons, but these meals remain essential to many of our seniors despite COVID-19. The Your York Team is committed to doing what it takes to make sure the township’s senior residents are well cared for, especially during these difficult times.

Learn more about all the top priorities of the team at: https://www.youryorkteam.com/platform


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